Help support the arts in Central Oregon!

The SageBrushers facility is a small, former residence, built in 1934, that requires regular maintenance and updating. Since adding to the studio space back in 1968, our cozy home has received new windows, new blinds, painted porch and eaves, a new roof, a new heating/cooling system, an entry ramp, and the building entries have been upgraded to ADA compliant with designated handicap parking. Extensive landscaping was done on the grounds and is maintained by regular work parties. All of this work is funded by memberships, donations and grants and, whenever possible, the work is done by volunteers - there is no paid staff.

You can help maintain and create a great space for local artists by making a tax-deductible donation now. SageBrushers is a 501(c) 3 non-profit cooperative which allows us to apply for grants and accept tax exempt donations and 100% of your donation goes to our building improvement fund.

To donate please click on the Donate via PayPal button above or below (you do not need a PayPal account to donate).