~ Classes ~
All classes are held at 117 SW Roosevelt Ave, Bend, OR
(Please scroll down to see all offerings)
SageBrushers Art Society Pet Policy: Only certified service animals (as defined by ADA) are allowed in the SageBrushers facility. While on SageBrushers property or within the facility animals must be kept on leash or contained at all times.
Mixers: 1:00 - 4 PM; All mediums welcome; please contact Barbara Crislip at barbjc45@yahoo.com.
Experiencing Watercolours: Cohort 1;10:00-12PM; meets twice a month; all levels welcome; please contact Pam Fortier at pam4tier@gmail.com - CLASS FULL
Pastels; 10:00 – 2 PM; please contact: Kay Terzian at kaymarie.terzian@gmail.com; 541-388-1706.
Watercolor; 10:00 - 12PM; please contact Jennifer Ware-Kempcke: jenniferware@rocketmail.com.
Mixed Media; 1:00 – 4PM; please contact Jack Bridges at 541-550-7544.
Experiencing Watercolours; Cohert 2 1:00-3PM: meets twice a month; all levels welcome; please contact Pam Fortier at pam4tier@gmail.com - CLASS FULL
Prime Time Artists; 9:30-2:00PM; Open to any medium. Please contact Michelle at michelleoberg39@gmail.com.
fee based
Friday, February 14th, Noon; Chelsea Schneider - Urban Sketching - Chelsea is a landscape architect in Bend, Oregon who discovered urban sketching as a way to reconnect with observational drawing in spaces all over the world. She's been fortunate to sketch while traveling in Europe, New Zealand and Argentina to attend Urban Sketcher events, and also documents Central Oregon by sketch. She is excited to be a co-administrator of the newly formed Urban Sketchers Bend chapter of the international Urban Sketchers organization.
Requested donation: $3
Please RSVP to Kay Terzian; kaymarie.terzian@gmail.com; Seating is limited.
Open Studio - Oil Painting with Mike Wise
Tuesdays, 2:30PM - 5PM -click on link in title, above, for more information; see calendar tab for holiday schedule
Wise Woman Emerging: Mixed Media Collage with Maria Wattier & Mattie Corya-Swanson
Sunday, February 9th,1:00PM - 5PM - click on link in title, above, for more information - pre-reqistration required
Painting Magic in Acrylic with David Kinker
Thursdays; 9:30AM– 2:00PM; click on link, above, for more information